Thursday, 24 September 2015

Revision around Fractions

 We used boxes of Skittles to review what we have learnt about Fractions

First we sorted the Skittles into colours.

Next we counted the number of Skittles in the whole box. Then we wrote the fraction of each colour found in the box.
Using our knowledge about fractions we were able to work out fractions of other boxes of Skittles.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Reading around the World Rugby Cup

Locating places we would like to visit if we were on tour with the All Blacks.
                            Learning how to use an atlas to find tourist spots in the U.K

                               Scanning the QR code to research in response to the 
                                                 text in reading.
Think, pair, share activities when answering 
comprehension questions.
 Using the internet to research and locate information 
when reading a text.

 Responding to reading by highlighting my personal contract 
tasks before self and peer assessing my work.
Nisha making a list of rugby vocabulary from her journal story.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Calendar Art

Room 9 based their calendar art around out recent Theme-Out of this World. Our pictures reflect the contrast between night and day. We using warm and cool colours to depict the contrast. These are our finished projects at present.

We hope this way you can view our work so it makes it easier for ordering.