Saturday, 29 August 2015

Space Snack Food

To finalise our learning about space stations and the types of food in eaten in space we watched an interview between an astronaut, a nutritionist and an interviewer. We found out that astronauts taste buds change in space and sweet chilli sauce is an astronauts favourite to add flavour to food.We wrote recipes this week and then made out concoctions. 
We thought how bread is not used because crumbs float around in space so we either used tortillas, pancakes, and weetbix for our base. Next we had to use a "space glue"-maple syrup, humus, peanut butter or cream cheese. We had to consider the children in our room with food allergies when creating our recipes.
Some of us thought the snacks were yum but some of us thought it was disgusting.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Descriptive Writing

We gave been learning how to use precise adjectives and figurative language in our Science Fiction writing. We used a video clip" Lifted" for class motivation  with our shared writing.
Here are a few examples of our work. Can you identify our different types of figurative language we used?
" One dark gloomy night in the countryside a house stood in the middle of nowhere..." by Ariyan.

" A windmill stood like a Queen's guard silent in the night" by Sophie

" The little creature looked like forest green jelly with a transmitter on his head" by Nathan.

"On a dark eerie night the moon shines brightly.  One lonely farmhouse gleams brightly in the deserted countryside" by Yvonne.

"Inside the Intergalactic UFO was a small, slimy green creature, stretching out his long green tentacles pushing buttons" by Ryan.

"Inside the house the farmer was being boinging around like a ping pong ball" by India.

" Inside the unidentified flying object was a small green alien that had fingers like tentacles. The peculiar creature has a snail helmet on his head and poking out the top an antennae"  by Max.

"The unsuccessful alien had an army of switches all around him" by Lara.

" Everyone of his attempts was useless. He got as angry as a roaring tiger" by Oliver.

"He was like a bull in a china shop crashing into everything" by Lucy.
"The fat blob of slime was not impressed with the alien's skills. His face was expressionless." by Nisha.

"Zing !Zing !Zing ! An alien spaceship shone a blue light on the farmhouse making look like it was full of blue fire" by Ethan J.

"Lights up the whole house like fireworks" by Caleb .

"The blue light had this mysterious power which can control gravity and was able to float the farmer out of his bed" by Janel.

School Cross Country

Mud. Glorious mud ! The school Cross Country held at Howick College was fun. We tried to get as muddy as we could. Congratulations to Ryan, Andrew and Zachary who all gained places in the Year 4 boys event. Maybe next year the girls will fare better.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Amazing Treat

After winning the Amazing Drinks Race we were rewarded with our movie on Friday.
Loved watching Paddington Bear. At half time we had drinks and chips!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Year 4 Speeches

In Room 9 we have been learning about how to construct and write a speech. There have been many interesting topics from Excuses not to do your Homework, Horses, Snorkling, Pollution,Dolphins,Pocket Money, Rugby league and Chocolate to name a few.

Mrs Whaitiri and Room 9 are very proud of our entrants.
Emily Robinson, who came second with her speech titled Why training a guide puppy dog is important.
Yvonne Bulcraig won the competition with a super performance of Why children should rule the world.Jordie Mathews was highly recommended with her unique speech about Potatoes.