Saturday, 30 May 2015


Ethan and Ivan read a procedural text called The Toy Parachute. After reading the instructions the boys made a parachute and trialled it out.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Generation Morning

Jordan showing her Grandma around her classroom.
Emily shows her Nana around.

 Grandparents were invited to share and talk about their culture and bring items of interest.

Kaleb sharing his i-movie.How wonderful to have so many grandparents, parents and visitors in Room 9 today. Such a busy interactive time listening to stories, learning about where your Grandparents and parents come from around the world. We learnt new games and shared our learning from Mana Te Ao with stick game movies, string games and poi dances with our Grandparents.
Learning how to make a seesaw with Ryan's Grandad on our strings  
Showing our Grandparents how to make the Cup and Saucer.


Sophie and Ethan finding out all about Australia and kangaroos.
Our Culture mural showing flags from all the different cultures in Room 9.
Nisha sharing her Chinese dress she wears on Chinese New Year.
Lara finding out where Ivan is from....Sweden.
It easy to see where Caleb's from.
Ariyan and his Dad reading his character portrait about his Grandad.  
Lara found out her Grandad left Scotland as a 16 year old boy to sail to NZ.
Nathan showing us how to use a poi.

Max and Kaleb doing their poi dance.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Anzac Art

We painted a Series of artworks to create our “POPPY” tribute to the Anzacs.

The first painting was based on the Irish painter John Norton’s work.

The second painting was based on the painter Georgia O'Keeffe who paints from an insect view.
 The third picture is a collage using different coloured red paper and hearts to create our poppy tribute.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Anzac Poems

During our Anzac focus we wrote a variety of different forms of Poetry.
These poems are called contrast poems depicting WW1 during the day and night.

 Some children wrote diamante poems.

The other Poetry format is called a kennings poem with 4 lines ending each line in -er.

Anzac Biscuits

After reading a school journal called "ANZAC BISCUITS " by P Werry this group of children found out where the name ANZAC came from, how the recipe has changed over the years and why eggs were probably not used. The best part was following the recipe and baking them.
Measuring out the ingredients. 
"How many spoonfuls of Golden syrup?" says Ethan.

Stirring up the mixture.

Putting the biscuit mixture on the tray.

Sharing and taking turns.
Yummy, crispy delicious Anzac biscuits!